Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saraba Nippon - Farewell Japan

It's been over a week since I've return to America. Sadly, I did not have the will power to write this entry before I left my home in Japan. This is just a small wrap up of my time in Japan.

The end came quickly and painfully. The year that I had been looking forward to for so long, had passed so quickly. I don't have many regrets of how I should have spent my year abroad, because in the end I am very content with how it went. It's funny though, after so many months of feeling like I had nothing more to learn about my surrounding environment, the last couple of nights in Japan I discovered two things that made me stop and realize that there are so many things that I had not experienced. They are pretty small things, but the first one is;

when getting off of the 01 bus late at night, the one that drops you off at osawa, and not fujijyukooenmae, it is probably faster to walk up to the side gate rather than walking past the subaru dealership and through the main gate.

the second thing is, when I was walking through that main gate, I saw a anaguma- a Japanese badger! It was being chased by a small cat and when the badger saw me, it made hissing noises at me. How cute :3. I think it liked me! For a long time I've heard rumors of people seeing tanuki-raccoon on campus, but I never believed it because I had never seen it before. Now I still have never seen a tanuki on campus, but prior to that night I had never seen a badger on campus either. So you never know. Here is a picture just so you don't have to search on google images.

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